Characteristics commonly associated with Dyslexia
Do any of these seem familiar to you ?
- an unexpected discrepancy between general ability and actual performance in reading, writing, spelling & sometimes number skills
- good at some things but surprising difficulty with others
- memory problems - short term processing memory (working memory) difficulties affecting recall of auditory & visual information
- difficulties with remembering sequences of instructions
- general forgetfulness - losing personal effects etc
- uncertain about which hand to use
- poor concentration span
- letter-sound blending difficulties
- poor word recognition
- difficulties with rhyming words (cat, fat, mat)
- difficulties with the odd one out (net, set, pig, let)
- a tendency to make unusual pronunciations
- poor comprehension of passages and stories
- problems with letter confusion and reversals (b/d, p/q)
- unusual/inconsistent spellings including anagrams (tired for tried)
- unusual letter formation
- poor pencil control
- poor copying skills from blackboard
- longer than average time to complete written work
- clumsy, jerky, messy, disorganised writing, often slow and laboured
- untidy work presentation
- poor positioning of letter and number shapes
- problems in left to right scanning, mirror writing
- positional/directional confusion, left/right confusion
Planning and Organisation
- poor planning, ordering and organisational skills affecting daily routines, organisation of tasks and information
- problems in memorising sequences of ideas
- memorising sequences as in days of week, months of year
- difficulty in memorising maths tables, number operations
- sense of time and timing, sequencing of past, present and future
- poor sense of timing
- difficulty with tying shoelaces, buttons, buckles
- fluctuation in day to day performance
- history of delayed speech, problems expressing ideas in speech
- poor progress with reading and/or spelling despite intervention
- problems with mental focus, confidence, self esteem
- family history of similar problem
Should you need any questions answering or further information please telephone Rick Portsmouth on
07742 597208 or use the contact sheet.